LSA event courtesy of Kaitlyn Klepec


Last Wednesday, the Latine Student Alliance(LSA) held a meeting in the Community Commons as a kickstart to this quarter, offering ice cream as a treat. LSA called this social event “Platica con Helado.”

Helados courtesy of Kaitlyn Klepec

In the event, LSA kicked off the new quarter by allowing students to reintroduce, or for some, introduce themselves for the first time. LSA officers separated students into small groups, around 2-4 students per table. Each table had the opportunity to share a bit about themselves through icebreaker questions while enjoying their ice cream. Students were to share their name, major, and something they did over break. 

Accompanied by some music, students were then prompted to share their goals for the upcoming quarter, asking students some important questions; How can LSA better support Latinx students, what are some things students would like to see incorporated into this quarter, and, share what some favorite past LSA social events have been.

“How can LSA better support Latinx students?” 

Some students suggested field trips, for example, to museums, as well as other campuses. Others would like to see more community engagement, giving back to the communities they come from, and learning about other communities that they may not necessarily be a part of themselves. Activism was an important theme, as another student suggested going into these communities and helping out as well.

“What are some things you would like to see incorporated into this coming quarter?” 

On top of being more engaged with outside communities, many students agreed that study sessions would be beneficial, specifically during finals. “A place to chill during a stressful time,” one student said. Other students have goals of creating an open, accepting, and non-judgemental environment within the LSA community. Lastly, students hope to connect more with other students within their own majors.

“What was your favorite past LSA event?” 

Some past favorite events have been events incorporating learning about many different Latin cultures, galas, as well as “any food event,” as one student put it flawlessly. 

The event was a lighthearted and fun way to start off the spring quarter. With their new and continuing goals, LSA members are eager to have a great quarter through community, and engagement within the group.

Follow LSA on Instagram for updated announcements and events.