Have you ever used an airline credit card? How about waiting for your flight in a member’s lounge? Usually, these are considered expensive luxuries that…
[SPOILERS INCLUDED. Trigger warning for sexual assault.] Filmmaker Zach Cregger has certainly made a box office splash with film directorial debut, "Barbarian." Released on Sept.…
Mo Fellows // Contributing Writer On Sep. 19, Britain paid their respects to Queen Elizabeth with an astounding funeral embedded with tradition. This funeral reflected…
Midterms are always important- not only because we get to witness who our newly elected representatives will be, but we are also able to finally…
David Keenan // Contributing Writer Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate material, mined from the ground. Before 1980, asbestos was a commonly used material…
The best approach to optimize our bodies is still under dispute with yogis' health ideas frequently clashing with the conventional fitness community. Contrary to popular…
Many young people today are eager to enter the workforce and begin their careers. However, they may not know where to start or how to…
Wouldn’t it be nice to be sitting around your own home in the evening and knowing your bank account is growing while you binge-watch an…
The chatter of friends excited for the night ahead. Proud parents, hands full of bouquets bragging about their talented children. Hamilton Hall in DU’s iconic…
The Denver women's soccer team faced the University of Colorado Boulder on Saturday as they wrapped up their last nonconference game, concluding their five-game road…