You may have heard that you don’t need a multivitamin if you eat right. However, in today’s world of fast food and sugar, it is imperative to supplement with a multivitamin to ensure the body is getting the proper nutrition to stay healthy. So how do you know which one to choose? Read labels and ensure that they fulfill your requirements and have the necessary ingredients your body needs.

Buy a Multivitamin That Meets Your Specific Needs

Today, multivitamins are made for men, women, seniors, and children and are adapted to meet specific needs based on body type, hormonal function, and healthy development.

For instance, women’s vitamins typically contain calcium since they can begin to lose bone density in their twenties. Men’s multivitamins contain more vitamin D, essential for producing testosterone, supporting brain health, and maintaining strong bones. Children’s vitamins benefit picky eaters and focus on crucial nutrients such as vitamin A. In addition, adults over the age of 50 may need a boost in vitamin B12 since they may have difficulty absorbing it from food.

Here is a list of other essential ingredients that you should consider having in your multivitamins:


Magnesium’s most vital role is maintaining bone health and energy production. Additionally, magnesium can calm your nervous system and ease stress and sleep problems. Other essential functions include regulating muscle and nerve function, balancing blood sugar levels, and making protein, and even DNA. Since magnesium is an essential nutrient, you must get it from supplements or food.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is crucial for bone health because it helps your body absorb calcium. Vitamin D deficiency increases your risk of getting sick, bone and back pain, and hair loss. In theory, you should be able to get your daily dose of vitamin D by spending at least 15 minutes in the sun. However, living in colder climates with little sunlight, working in an office, and applying sunscreen, which blocks vitamin D synthesis, make it difficult to get it. Since this vitamin is also hard to come by in food, it is good to look for this ingredient in your multivitamin.


Iron helps the blood transport oxygen. A lack of iron can weaken the immune system and cause fatigue. Iron is primarily beneficial for boosting energy, maintaining healthy red blood cells, and improving brain function. Usually, consuming red meat will ensure you get iron in your body. However, certain situations such as being pregnant, going through puberty, and having your menstrual cycle may increase the amount of iron you require. Those who are vegetarian and vegan are at greater risk of iron deficiency. Although there are a lot of plant-based sources of iron, a vegetarian or vegan diet is high in fiber, which can block iron absorption. A high-quality multivitamin will help you meet your daily iron requirements.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is a crucial component of a good multivitamin. This essential mineral aids energy production and helps the body break down other nutrients. B-12 deficiency will make a person feel sluggish and under the weather. Vitamin B-12 helps the body’s nerves and blood cells stay healthy, and it helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. You can get B-12 from foods such as fish, meat, and eggs; however, it can sometimes be impossible to get enough from your diet alone. Because most food sources are animal-based such as meat, poultry, and fish, vegans are prone to vitamin B-12 deficiency.


Nearly every cell in the body contains zinc, vital for maintaining a healthy immune system and protecting the gut. Zinc deficiency can cause a variety of ailments, including a weakened immune system, loss of appetite, anemia, hair loss, and depression. Unfortunately, the typical diet does not contain zinc-rich foods. Zinc cannot be stored in the body, so your multivitamin must contain zinc.

Folic Acid

Folate (also known as B9 or folic acid) is critical in fighting depression, combating inflammation, and even growing your nails. Folate deficiency can cause fatigue as well as lower levels of serotonin. Therefore, it is essential for pregnant women to get enough folic acid to protect the baby’s development and prevent congenital anomalies in the brain and spine.

Even if you eat healthily a few times a week, you won’t get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. To ensure you get the proper amount of each essential nutrient, you should take a multivitamin daily. Even the best diet may not provide you with all the necessary nutrients. A multivitamin can fill the gaps and helps you avoid potentially harmful nutrient deficiencies.