Now available 7 days a week at Denver Tech Center

Let’s face it, one of the most complex parts of pursuing your best health and fitness is typically your diet. When it comes to improving your health, one of the most critical and foundational cornerstones of that journey is what you regularly eat and drink. Unfortunately, this can also be one of the scariest parts of your healthy journey that can also feel the most discouraging. While learning how to enjoy moderate exercise and good sleeping habits will go a long way, your health journey won’t go far without taking your food intake seriously.

But there is good news, thanks to My Fit Food’s healthy meal boxes, you can enjoy incredible food that pushes you toward your goals! Healthy meal boxes help you reach your goals and make it a joy along the way. Crafted with particular goals like weight loss or performance, these boxes are packed with incredible meals that will have you looking forward to breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

If you have been wondering how healthy meal boxes can transform your mealtime and impact your entire week, here is everything you need to know!

Time Is of the Essence

One of the leading reasons why the diet aspect is so challenging to so many people is that they don’t know how to implement better food strategies into their week. This can be for several reasons, such as not knowing how to cook or not having the right equipment, or lacking knowledge on how to map out and prep food adequately. In addition, many students lack time and capacity.

It’s hard to live in a culture that simultaneously tells you that your highest satisfaction will come from a healthy lifestyle while also being the hustle and bustle culture. The calendar can fill up between work, family, education, and just tiring to have a social life – there can be precious little time for anything else. If you pair a lack of time and a general lack of understanding of how to cook healthy meals, this can be discouraging.

Pre-made healthy meals enable you to avoid these pitfalls and give you consistent, delicious, and reliable options that can transform your entire week (meals can last a few days in your fridge or 4 weeks in the freezer).. So not only do you know how much you are getting per order, but you are getting the food you love that is good for you. This means that no matter how busy your schedule gets, you can get the food you deserve that will help move your health journey forward.

It’s Not Diet Culture

One of the most important things about health meal boxes is that it’s not diet culture. Yes, your normal diet plays a huge role in the quality of your health journey, and there is no way around that. However, diet culture promotes unrealistic and overly challenging stipulations that aren’t realistic for long-term success. Not only that, but diet culture is built on a negative principle of going without to succeed. With healthy meal boxes, you can reach any health goal you may have without the toxicity of diet culture.

True, long-term health is built on the positive and not the negative. Healthy meal boxes are about giving your body the food it both wants and needs and creating sustainable, healthy habits with long-term benefits. Developing healthy habits is worth far more than temporary, hard to follow, and ultimately discouraging diet plans.

Different Boxes For Different Goals

Customizing your healthy box meal plans is what makes My Fit Foods’ box meals so impactful. Not only are these meals made fresh and with the best ingredients, but you can find a meal box that works for you. For example, if you are looking to lose weight, there is a specially customized weight loss meal plan that you can choose from 1200 calorie meals or 1800 calorie meals.

If you are looking more for performance than weight loss, the performance boxes come with 2300-calorie meals. These hand-crafted meals are packed with the protein and nutrients you need to reach your performance level goals.

At the same time, if you are looking for well-balanced meals for everyday life, then going with the best-selling regular packs has an option of with or without breakfast.


If finding the right kind of food has been a challenge for your health journey, then visit My Fit Foods at Denver Tech Center or have it delivered. Just because you may not have the time or the knowledge at the moment to adequately supply yourself with the right kind of daily diet doesn’t mean you should go without it. Finding delicious food that is highly nutritious and designed to move your life forward is as easy as trying out one of these incredibly healthy box meals.

My Fit Foods

Denver Tech Center

8101 Belleview Ave #W-2

Denver, CO 80237



Monday-Thursday: 7 am-8 pm

Friday: 7am-7pm

Saturday: 8am-6pm

Sunday: 8am-8pm