With the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer,  people are ready to be out and about again after the long winter. You may have made new year resolutions that you have taken a little break from or maybe you are hitting all your goals for the year so far. No matter which category you fall into, it’s never too late to make your health a priority. Spring time is the perfect opportunity to get a jump star. With warmer weather it is easier to get outside and be active and eat all the fresh fruits and veggies. Here are five ways to keep yourself healthy this Spring.

Stay Active

With the days longer and warmer it is easier to stay active. Waking up to sunshine, birds chirping, and warmth makes it easier to get out of bed and start our day. There are plenty of ways to stay active and healthy no matter what kind of activity you enjoy. Staying active is a great way to get and stay healthy. Whether you enjoy more structured activity at a gym or class or you enjoy going out to walk, run, bike,etc., or even working in a garden there is no wrong choice. Find an activity you love and enjoy and get moving. Activity gets your blood flowing which strengthens your body, internal organ function, increases your mood, and gets more blood flow to your brain. Staying active has been proven to decrease the risk of chronic illness and give you  greater satisfaction out of life.

Eat Whole Foods

The next key to staying healthy is eating whole foods.?? No, not a restrictive diet. Start by eating more fruits, vegetables, and foods with few ingredients. Read package labeling and eat foods where you can pronounce every ingredient. When you nourish your body properly, your body is able to function at its best. Chemicals and sugar hinder our bodies from functioning the way they were designed to. You will feel better and have more energy and be able to do all the fun things you want to do this Spring.

Good Supplements

While eating whole foods is a great start, many Americans lack the micronutrients they need for their bodies to thrive. Thankfully, there are plenty of great supplement shops, like Healthy Directions, that make every supplement we could possibly need or want. No matter what your health interest is or where you need support, they have you covered. Go to their website and browse their large selection of supplements for anything you could possibly need. Start feeling like your best so you can live life to the fullest.

Get Rest

Another way to stay healthy that is often overlooked is rest. Our culture has us busy, overworked, and rundown. We suffer from many illnesses both physical and mental and often feel like we need a break from life. A lot of this would become more manageable or maybe even resolve if we would just rest. We keep ourselves busy between work, a social life, family time, things we have to do, and even things we want to do. Setting more boundaries and having more down time to sleep or do things to fill our cup is very important. Spend some time doing nothing this Spring. Lay out in the hammock, plant some flowers, read your favorite book, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. Making getting enough rest an important habit so you can have the energy you need to do all of the things.

Get Outside

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is getting outside. After being cooped up all winter inside, getting out in the sun and fresh air is a nice change of pain. A majority of Americans are vitamin D deficient which affects our moods, energy level, and our cells ability to repair themselves. The sun is life giving and getting outside is a great way to stay healthy. Many find it energizing and it encourages activity, staying hydrated, and even may want to make you eat healthier. There are so many fun activities to do outside and may be the pick me up that you have been looking for.

A Healthier You

So whether you are smashing your new year resolutions or need a restart to reach your goals, Spring time could really be the kick start you need. By following these simple five tips, you may just find the healthier version of you that you have been searching for. Maybe find a new hobby you love to do, make some new friends, or find an accountability partner. Spring is always the best time to start making healthier habits that will last all year long.