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Just as a compass helps you navigate a roadmap, vision supports you to become the person you want to be. Like road signs and mile markers indicate your progress on the highway, your goals are benchmarks along the path to achieving your vision. In this article, Inner Matrix Systems – a personal mastery training system for high achievers – shares how to name and create vision.

Naming your vision is essential to building a purpose-filled life. As the oft paraphrased scene from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland implies, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” Without a plan for your life, you are not likely to get where you want to go. 

Like businesses often spend considerable time and effort creating a vision statement that precisely and succinctly expresses their values, successful individuals should do the same. The process of creating a vision helps to clarify what is important to you, what you value, and what you want out of life. If you use vision as context for the life you want to live, you’ll know what decisions to make.

Here are some valuable tips on how to create a vision:

Start with Emotion

Most people try to name their vision by naming the outcomes first. This is a mistake because we create a vision from the inside out. If we aren’t able to align our emotions with the outcomes we want to create, we may fulfill the outcome but still be miserable. We know this to be true because if being a millionaire or finding a life partner were the things that made us happy and fulfilled, there wouldn’t be a world full of unhappy millionaires or relationships that end in divorce. People don’t actually want the outcome they name; they want the feeling they think having that outcome will produce. When naming a vision for your life, write down how you want to feel.

Name Thoughts and Actions And then Outcomes

Once you know how you want to feel, think of the thoughts and actions a person that feels that way would embody. A person that feels joy might think that the world is full of beauty and send a nice text to a friend to tell them they are appreciated. An excellent way to practice this is to say, “I feel joy” (or whatever emotion you named) because that will help you to nail down the thoughts someone feeling joy would think. Once you’re clear on the emotions you want to feel and some of the thoughts and actions you might take as you feel that emotion, you can begin to write down some specific outcomes you’d like to know in life. This is when you can name the amount of money you’d like to make, the job you’d like to have, the partner of your dreams, etc. The important thing is to bring the emotion you named and wanted to feel to creating your vision. 

Become Obsessed

Once you have named your full vision – the emotion, thoughts, actions, and outcomes you want, it’s important to focus on your vision obsessively. Write it down and post it somewhere you will notice it. Take a few breaks during the day and spend some time really focusing on what you want to create. Take steps towards achieving your vision by bringing the emotion to the tasks you do. And be patient! Your vision is possible as long as you commit to fulfilling it.

About Inner Matrix Systems

Inner Matrix Systems, based in Denver, is a personal mastery training system for high achievers. For more than twenty years, IMS has delivered a proprietary methodology that rewires, trains, and aligns the nervous system, emotions, and thought strategies to create real-life results. CEO, Joey Klein, and IMS have worked with more than 80,000 individuals from around the world through both live and online training programs, as well as one-on-one coaching. Clients have included: Boeing, IBM, Dell, Google, Panda Express, Coca Cola and The World Health Organization. Joey is the author of The Inner Matrix: Leveraging the Art & Science of Personal Mastery to Create Real Life Results (June 2021).