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People out in the world believe that a grilled cheese sandwich is easy, kid’s stuff. Well, they are sadly mistaken. A lot of skill is required to pull off the perfect grilled cheese sandwich. You have to have the ideal ingredients and find just the right heat level to get that cheese mixed into the bread in an ooey-gooey consistency that is unmatched by any other sandwich. While you may think that a grilled cheese sandwich wouldn’t be diet-friendly, you’d be surprised to learn that this decadent, hearty sandwich can be keto-friendly. 

Find the Right Bread 

One of the essential elements in a grilled cheese sandwich is having the right bread for your grilled cheese. Many high-end restaurants that feature grilled cheese on their menu have a prototypical way to produce this sandwich. They get salted butter, white bread, and a cheese selection based on what the restaurant has available. Those Keto followers can find sprouted bread that can apply to the diet. For example, Uprising Food offers a Keto-friendly bread replacement.

Try the Keto Friendly Grilled Cheese 

The Superfood Bread is not only jam-packed full of nutrients but 9 grams of fiber per slice. This bread is made from simple ingredients that come together in a perfect simplistic fashion. While you may think that bread is full of carbohydrates, Superfood Bread only has two net carbs meaning that you can rest easy knowing that you didn’t digest something that could be potentially harmful to you. 

While there is no denying that the typical way to cook a grilled cheese is probably the tastiest route, you’d be surprised at how good the Keto version is. Considering you aren’t using bread full of sugar and carbs, you will notice that you will taste the more robust flavors in the cheese instead of being overpowered by the bread. 

Even though you may think you are bypassing taste when it comes to dieting, it is pretty eye-opening to understand what we put into our bodies. For example, while traditional grilled sandwiches taste great, they offer no nutritional value whatsoever, so you do your body a disservice. 

You may think you are getting protein with the cheese, but your body will digest it as one ample carbohydrate. When you go with a keto, grilled cheese sandwich, you put protein in the unhealthy snack and make it nutritional. The Superfood Bread has 6 grams of protein-packed into its construction that will power you throughout the day. 

While you may steer clear from store-bought gluten-free bread because it doesn’t taste as great as the original thing, Uprising Food offers bread that is packed full of flavor. Considering store-bought gluten-free bread is usually mass-produced in factories that don’t have high-quality ingredients, it is easy to be turned off from the entire concept altogether. Uprising offers a product that is made in smaller batches and tastes great. 

Many have raved that the Superfood Bread has a nutty, rich flavor almost reminiscent of traditional sourdough. Sourdough is usually the perfect companion to grilled cheese. So what more could you want in an alternative to such a fatty and beloved snack. Uprising Food offers a variety of different loaves of bread made from pretty essential but flavorful ingredients. The company prides itself on creating a product that tastes great for practicing a healthier lifestyle. 

Uprising Food went into business with the idea that it would create the model to construct the perfect grilled cheese sandwich. Considering they have created a keto-friendly high protein substitute for traditional bread and created something healthy out of comfort food, it should come as no surprise as to why the product is so popular.