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Working out inside can be great. You can exercise in a climate-controlled setting and use a variety of machines.

Working out outside is also great, but you may feel limited by the exercises you can do.

Outdoor exercise may feel limited to running or team sports.

If you want to start spending more time outside while exercising and trying something new, you should look into an elliptical street bike.  

What is an Elliptical Bike?

An elliptical bike is just how it sounds! It mixes together the motions of an elliptical with the forward motion of a bike and allows you to do both exercises at once.

If you love using an elliptical at the gym, you will definitely enjoy using an elliptical street bike. You could mix being outside with the calorie burn of an elliptical!

Benefits of an Elliptical Bike:

The elliptical at the gym is a great low-impact cardio training option.

Running can be really hard on your joints, but everyone should aim to get in a few cardio workouts per week, so the elliptical has become a popular choice.

An elliptical bike has all the benefits of the elliptical and biking, plus you get to use it outside and get fresh air!

Some of the main benefits of the elliptical bike are listed here.

Burn Calories

Elliptical street bikes help you to burn calories, which is a huge goal for anyone looking to lose weight.

Using an elliptical bike will help you to burn about 50% more calories than a regular bike, and 10% or more calories than a regular elliptical that you would use indoors.

Cardiovascular Workout

Using an elliptical street bike is a great way to get in a cardio workout.

There are so many benefits to cardiovascular exercise such as overall heart health and lowering blood pressure.

Since elliptical street bikes mix the benefits of a bike and an elliptical, you are sure to get a great cardio workout.

Low Impact Workout

Running can be hard on your joints, so if you are looking to get a great cardio workout that is easy on your joints, then an elliptical street bike would be a great option for you.

It is easy on your joints because you are not pounding the pavement, but you are still getting the running motion like you do on an elliptical.

Upright Posture

An elliptical street bike gets you moving while maintaining an upright posture. If you enjoy biking but find being bent over the bike to be hard on your back, then the elliptical bike might be a good compromise.

You will be able to stay more upright, in a standing posture, which may allow you to exercise more freely without back pain.

Why Workout Outside?

Exercising outside is great because you can burn calories while enjoying fresh air and sunshine.

This may make you more likely to work out during nice weather, because you may not want to feel like you’re wasting a beautiful day by staying inside and working out in a gym.

Many people who exercise outside report that they have more energy, feel less stressed and feel more satisfied.

If you want to change up your workout routine or are looking for a great low impact option, you should consider trying an elliptical street bike.

The low impact design of the elliptical bike makes it suitable for everyone, especially if you are prone to getting sore joints with high impact exercise. It is a great form of cardio while still being gentle on joints. 

The elliptical bike may also be an excellent option for people who are recovering from surgery and want to exercise to rebuild muscle.