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Freezing bread is the perfect way to extend its shelf life. If your bread is frozen correctly, you will get to enjoy your bread later in almost just purchased quality. This article will discuss all the do’s and dont’s on how to defrost bread correctly.

Wrap Properly

There is nothing worse than pulling a loaf of bread from the freezer to find it freezer burned. That’s why properly wrapping your bread before freezing is a necessary step.

How to wrap your bread properly:

  • Step One: Wrap with parchment paper. 
  • Step Two: Wrap tightly with plastic wrap.
  • Step Three: Wrap again with a second layer of plastic wrap.


Freeze Early

If you want your bread to be as fresh as the day you froze it, then wrapping your bread up well is going to be your first step. You will want to start with the freshest bread possible. 

Whether you are baking this bread at home or purchasing from your favorite alternative bakery, if you want to enjoy this fresh bread at a later state, then starting with fresh is best.

Use an air Tight Container

After you have wrapped your bread in both parchment paper and plastic wrap, it is best to place it inside an air-tight container. This will not only keep any frozen moisture build-up away from the outside edge of the bread where it can damage it. An air-tight container will also help maintain the bread’s taste and keep it from absorbing other smells or flavors from other food items in your fridge or freezer.

Choosing the Right Bread

Like magic, most bread works the same way in the freezer. However, not all bread works the same way for our bodies.

It is no doubt that bread is delicious especially hot, fresh-baked bread. But bread and the simple carbs it is made of can wreck our energy levels. The sugar and simple bread are broken down quickly, causing an insulin spike and creating those well-known energy crashes. Not only that, bread lacks any natural nutrients. There are very little protein and a lot of empty calories.

Instead, choose a bread that will help you maintain stable energy levels, is packed with protein and fiber and will keep you going better than your morning cup of coffee. 

Choosing keto bread will help you power through your day with the energy you need to continue to make wise and healthy decisions and dietary choices. Keto bread is delicious, fresh, freezes well, and thaws, so ideally, you won’t even be able to tell the difference in the age of your bread.

Defrost Your Bread

If you are going to take the time to freeze your bread correctly, you’ve got to take the time to defrost it. Defrosting bread seems simple. Why not just place it in the fridge or counter to thaw?

In some cases, this is okay, but you know how your bread has all those little crystallized bits of moisture all over it when you pull it out of the freezer? That is the moisture from your bread and the air around your bread. If you thaw your bread on the counter or in the fridge, you may notice your bread seems wet, and you lose some of it to sogginess.

The best way to thaw bread is actually to evaporate some of this moisture while thawing. We suggest using a microwave or oven to slowly that your bread and help tame some of the humidity gathered around it. 

What is Better than Warm Bread from the Oven Anyhow?

Inconclusion, the best way to thaw your bread is first to choose the proper bread, be sure to wrap it correctly, make sure to place it in an air-tight container, and thaw it in a way that evaporates form of the also melting moisture surrounding the bread.

After all the freezing and defrosting, we think you deserve a sandwich on some excellent warm bread.