As you entered DU’s Lamont School of Music, you could already feel the excitement for Global Reveal. At this event, prospective study abroad students learn what program they have been nominated to in the upcoming school year.
Bulletin boards were decorated with facts about countries across the globe line the entrance. People gave out free international plug adapters and the table in the center is decorated with an array of food.
The tension hung in the air as an auditorium full of DU students anxiously awaited for the event to start. All the prospective study abroad students had submitted an application with their first, second and third choice programs months earlier.
The auditorium was decorated for the event with cut-outs of the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben on the stage. The projector played a slideshow showcasing beautiful photos past students had taken on their study abroad excursions.

DU study abroad programs span across the world, from countries anywhere on continents like South America to Australia. Some students go on programs for the full year while most only go abroad for the fall quarter.
After what felt like forever, a speaker took the stage. She talked about the study abroad program and ended her speech by describing a “quiet area” where students can process the news of where they have been selected to study. As the speaker said this, you could feel the excitement in the air deflate, while every student undoubtedly pictured getting rejected from their dream program.
Once the speaker left the stage, another woman took her place and quickly projected a link on the stage. This is what the entire auditorium had been waiting for. For a few seconds, there was no sound as students frantically typed the URL into their phone.
Students had been sent an email prior to this event that gave them a number. This unique code paired with this link, revealing where they would be going. Students started screaming and jumping out of their seats when they discovered where they would be going, ecstatic about their program.
For some, panic rippled through the crowd as the link failed from the high demand of hundreds of students accessing it at once. People started trading phones, frantically trying to find their number on the list.
Then, just like that, it was over.
Relief rippled through the crowd as everyone exited the auditorium. Students then took pictures with flags of their abroad country and sought out their friends to ask them what program they got into.
As the night came to an end, each student was left with the growing realization that they are not going to be in Denver next fall. Instead, they are going to be in a strange but exciting new country.