The Undergraduate Student Senate attempted to meet on Tuesday Apr. 23, however, Vice President Holden Fitzgerald called the meeting off after it became clear the Senate would not make quorum. Quorum is the minimum number of votes required to be present in order for the Senate to pass legislation, appropriate funds and address student concerns. Quorum requires ? of senators to be present, and this threshold was not met by the outgoing Senate therefore, business could not be conducted. This left at least two bills on the table and one student organization without the opportunity to present for funding.

As the old Senate left, next year’s leaders met to begin the Transition process. Outgoing Senior Senator JJ Khan, Chair of the Transitions Committee and outgoing Freshman Senator Kirby Motsinger led the new Senators-Elect in a review of the constitution and bylaws in order to ensure the new Senate has the tools necessary to succeed in their new roles. This is the result of a year-long push by the entire USG to create and formalize a transitions process between outgoing and incoming judges, secretaries and senators to ensure the smooth continuation of governance between legislative sessions.