Taryn Allen | Clarion


To the editor,

July 26 is the deadline for the Trump Administration to reunite children and families separated at the U.S. Mexico border. Reports indicate the Administration will miss this deadline.

This is devastating for the children who linger in detention without proper care. Studies show that childhood trauma can have severe and life-long social and emotional consequences.

Many of the families and unaccompanied children arriving at the border are fleeing from a complex mix of social and economic factors, such as violence in their home communities, and they are seeking asylum.

The U.S. has been a beacon of hope, welcoming the world’s people for nearly 250 years. The country should be a safe haven for children and families fleeing danger.

As a student of DU, I believe that every student and faculty member on campus is capable of making changes by urging Congress to permanently end child separation for families entering the U.S., to end indefinite detention and to press for expedited family reunification.

Take action today by sending a message to Congress.

Minh Doan
MAcc ‘19