Image Courtesy of @LOLAByJules

Image Courtesy of @LOLAByJules


Bienvenidos a todos,

Para empezar con este blog, quiero hablar un poco sobre el término “Latinx.” ¿Qué es Latinx? ¿How do you say it? Y ¿When do you use it? En un tiempo donde todo está cambiando es muy importante tener conversaciones así.

If you are not familiar with the Spanish language, unlike English, it is a gendered language. That saying, if we are a group full of women, we are “ellas,” pero the moment a man walks in, we all become “ellos.” Wrong, right? So the term Latinx is a rebellion against the patriarchal language and machismo culture often prevalent through Latinx cultures.

Additionally, with many people from the LGBTQIA community choosing not to gender conform, the removal of the “o” or “a” in exchange for an “x” is a direct symbol of the intersectionality this term strives to include.

The term can be seen throughout academia, organizations and is slowly but surely making its way to popular culture. The term is pronounced “latin – x” and should be used whenever addressing a group of people with a latin background.

This blog, Latinx Life, will be covering all things Latinx this summer, written in Spanglish, and come fall will work with members of the Latinx Student Alliance (LSA) on campus to cover all of the things you want to hear about via articles in the Clarion. I look forward to hearing from the readers, and all comments and criticisms are welcome.



Be sure to follow @LOLAByJules on Instagram to stay updated on all upcoming posts!