The British electronic music duo, AlunaGeorge, consists of Aluna Francis and George Reid and is based out of London. Recently, they released a killer new album, I Remember. Between soulful, chill tracks and the heavy dance numbers, I Remember offers a lot of variety making it a strong album.
The record hits the ground running with “Full Swing.” As the hook builds in the beginning and Francis’ voice rises, the anticipation is quickly diminished with a fluttery, bass-heavy chorus. The track also features Pell, whose verse comes pretty early, sort of off setting the song—but I would be lying if I said I didn’t like his verse.
Up next is “My Blood” featuring ZHU, probably one of the strongest songs on the album. The dark sided backing and Francis’ ominous, sultry voice create a subtle and haunting vibe.
“They don’t see love/They’re living in hate/And you just don’t know that they just be playing/You’re taking the bait,” she menacingly sings as the song reaches its chorus. “My Blood” has a cool vibe that really allows it to stand out on the album.
Another strong track is “Not Above Love.” This brassy, bouncing song sounds like a playground diss in the best way possible. Reid’s production on this track is scratchy and heavy, which gives a great style while keeping a rich and full feeling that can be heard throughout the album.
This album is full of perfect dance songs that at times sound similar to the Diplo and Skrillex duo venture Jack Ü. “Mean What I Mean” is just one of those tracks—with a screeching hook and percussive backing the song is quintessential dance music. It also features some killer verse’s by Leikeli47 and Drezzy.
Other notable tracks include the bouncy “Jealous” and the soulful, R&B-esque “Mediator.”
Be sure to check out the whole album though, I would give it a strong 4 out of 5 stars. Here’s to hoping these songs are blasting on every dance floor this school year.