Bogart served as opinions editor during his sophomore and junior years. Jillian Queri | Clarion.


Dear Readers,

Since 1899, the Clarion has been run by numerous hard working, dedicated students writing stories that matter to the student body and DU as a whole. For the past two years, I have been incredibly fortunate to, if only for a short while, serve as opinions editor and act as a small part in ensuring the success of this prestigious publication.

Over the past few weeks, I have been reminiscing about the past two years, and realized how much the opinions section has grown, not because of my efforts, but due to the hard work of the numerous writers who have written for this section and the vision and guidance of editors-in-chief and executive editors in the past and present.

Undoubtedly, the main reason why this section has become a success over the past few years is because numerous writers have dared to tackle the major issues that matter to this campus, ranging from sexual assault to school politics to addressing inequality on campus. These writers passionately represented you over the past two years and were not afraid to speak out to state the opinion of the diverse voices on campus, even though they might have been unpopular or controversial.

To all the writers who have written during my time as editor: thank you. I am eternally grateful for all you have done to make this section what it is today, always focused on addressing the diverse voices on campus and passionately addressing the most important issues our student body faces.

In addition, I would like to thank the editors-in chief and executive editors that I have served under over the past couple of years.

Lanna Giauque and Alex Johnson, thank you for your guidance during my first couple of months as an opinions editor, giving me the tools I needed to help turn this section into a success.

Connor W. Davis and Meg McIntyre, thank you for your constant support throughout the past year and the time and energy you both dedicated in helping me shape opinions into the section it is today. I learned a tremendous amount from the both of you and your vision for success continues, and will continue, to make the Clarion a better publication to serve the student body.

Jillian Queri and Kellsie Brennan. You both are some of the most tremendous leaders I have ever met. You are passionate, dedicated, always looking out for your staff and have an outstanding vision to make this publication stronger than it has ever been. You have both always been tremendous friends and you have the potential to make revolutionary changes to the Clarion. I am looking forward to seeing how both of you continue to shape the Clarion for the better and best of luck next year.

Lastly, I want to thank you, the loyal reader of the Clarion.

It’s still surreal to think that hundreds of students across campus pick up a Clarion or visit our website every week and read the incredible content our writers produce. Your support for this publication is incredible, and makes the long hours of effort each week producing every issue worth it. I was proud to produce this section for you over the past two years and address the issues that matter to you. Please continue to engage this section through letters to the editor, as it is your voice that truly forwards the conversation and affects change on campus.

I am humbled and honored to have served as opinions editor for the past two years. Thank you for all your support and remember: Keep Calm and Clarion!

Adrian Bogart