Through Project PHARM, DU intends to raise awareness about the abuse of prescription drugs among college students. Photo Courtesy of Connor W. Davis | Clarion


For some time now, DU has had a project in the works to gain information and raise awareness about the abuse of prescription drugs amongst college students. DU was one of few colleges across the country selected to participate in a research study. NASPA (the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators)–Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education–is sponsoring the study.

The research study has been entitled Project Pharm (Personalized Health Assessment Related to Medications). It “aims to understand the motives, attitudes and behaviors of traditional age college students at seven nationally representative residential colleges as they relate to the use and misuse of ADHD prescription drugs.” The broad goal is to obtain and utilize data on students’ use and knowledge–or lack thereof–of prescription medication.

Project PHARM’s research takes shape as an online survey distributed to students. The University of Washington is a partner of DU and has been working to disperse surveys through email. Some DU students may have already randomly received this survey opportunity and some may receive it in the future. DU Internal News has informed most of the undergraduate population of Project PHARM; voluntary participation is greatly appreciated and subject to compensation.

The endgame of the study, according to the University of Washington, is “developing a social norms campaign or other prevention materials that can be disseminated across academic institutions.”

Substance abuse, among college-aged people especially, is a serious issue. It may not be prevalent in the media and to the public, but NASPA is sponsoring important research that could one day improve the overall health of many people.