The fifth season of popular show “American Horror Story: Hotel” premiered Oct. 7 on FX, and the hair-raising mini-series wasted no time getting to the…
The weekend of Oct. 16 and 17 marks the 2015 Homecoming and Family Weekend, which includes a full schedule of events for DU students, parents…
Note: This article was finalized on Monday, Oct. 12 and does not take into account any events that have transpired since then. Denver hockey took…
Last spring, administration at DU decided to implement the change of requiring all departments to schedule classes for students on Fridays. In previous years, Friday…
DU is ranked 86th among the several thousands of academic institutions in the United States. Students here are clearly driven and intelligent, but that fact…
When talking about “good music,” definitions range from classic groups like The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd, to classical like Bach or to historically important…
“1989” was a huge deal in the music world, and the publicity surrounding Taylor Swift’s most recent album was boosted with covers from numerous celebrities,…
This week, The Clarion sat down with club rugby player Brent Lockhart. Q: When did you start playing rugby? A: I started playing at DU…
Many college students make working out a part of their routine for lots of reasons; people who live active lifestyles reap the benefits of not…
Authors love the thrill of playing games. Their stories are a way to toy with their readers, throw in hints and winks and maybe give…