Online Learning | photo by Connor W. Davis


For those in their senior year, graduation is rapidly approaching and the pressure of what to do after graduation looms in a thundercloud overhead. In addition, those completing a thesis project feel an extra level of stress with the extra requirements. Tackling a thesis can be seen as daunting or as a misuse of time causing undue anxiety. However, pursuing a thesis is a highly rewarding opportunity that should be taken advantage of by all seniors.

Senior theses aren’t meant to be simple and easy to finish. They are designed to allow students the opportunity to study their interests further and more in depth and be advised by a professor with experience and the ability to aid the student’s growth. Depending on the major and concentration, theses take on different structures and have different requirements appropriate to the subject of study. The decision to complete a senior thesis is typically made by the end of junior year, though the actual thesis is worked on and finished during senior year.

Connor W. Davis | Clarion
Connor W. Davis | Clarion

Senior thesis projects are optional, allowing students a choice in how to further their learning during undergraduate studies. The thesis should be on a topic of personal interest to the student, and should be highly encouraged for its values. Even though students at this stage are probably busy searching for internships, holding a job and keeping their GPA up, they should also pursue a thesis in order to round out their DU academic experience. Since the thesis is completed within the student’s major, it is the best way to cap off the years of study that have gone into their degree, and showcase this knowledge in a project the student can claim as his/her own. Plus, a thesis provides new skills of critical thinking and self-direction, which are highly valuable in any job or graduate field. It is an impressive step of determination and dedication that can be highlighted on a resume for future employers to consider. In a competitive market of recent graduates, having the experience of writing a thesis could be the extra factor that sets one student ahead of another in the eyes of an employer or in graduate school admissions. 

The option to write a thesis should be encouraged and capitalized on because of the skills it fosters, the passion it inspires and the opportunities it could provide in the future. To those buckling down to write a thesis, good luck. For those juniors who are considering a thesis, do some research, talk to advisors and don’t be intimidated. Though a thesis may seem ominous it is also one of the most rewarding choices given during undergraduate years. Face it head-on and take advantage of all that DU has to offer.