Some days, a quick and simple book is all a reader needs to be satiated and happy. These types of books are important because even in their simplicity they should still involve the reader. “The Same Sky” by Amanda Eyre is the epitome of this sort of story.

Alice and her husband Jake live a peaceful life in Austin, Texas. Their marriage is strong, their restaurant is thriving and they are involved in their community. However, their most recent attempt to adopt a baby went awry at the last second and each is hurting in their own way.

Meanwhile in Honduras, 10 year-old Carla is familiar with hurt. After her grandmother dies, she is left in charge of her younger brother, struggling to escape the violence of their home and join their mother in Texas. But in order to do that, she must drag her brother along and make the dangerous journey across borders to American soil.

Eyre weaves these two separate stories together, switching between the viewpoints of Alice and Carla. Each character is vastly unique, both in their situations as well as in their personalities. Alice hides her despair behind a façade of progress, while Carla fights for a better life outside of Honduras. Though the two characters couldn’t be more different in their situation and approach, they are connected through their spirit of determination. Both Alice and Carla struggle through their own battles, but their stories are intertwined, leading the reading through a dance of hardships and hope for change.

“The Same Sky” keeps readers intrigued, waiting for the moment of connection between Alice and Carla. Their experiences tug at readers’ hearts and provide a beautifully written escape into new perspectives. Eyre’s narratives pull the readers out of their personal lives and into the lives of Alice and Carla for a short but satisfying story of perseverance and love.