Olivia Storz and Daniel Sandberg (not pictured) were elected as the freshman senators on Oct. 7. Photo by Bryce Armijo-Hubbard | Clarion


Between Oct. 5 and Oct. 7, the freshman class voted for two students to become their senators for the 2015-2016 school year. After the votes were tallied, Olivia Storz and Daniel Sandberg were elected as the new representatives.

Though Sandberg could not be reached for comment, the Clarion spoke with Storz about her plans for the DU campus.

A large part of Storz’s platform is a focus on sexual assault.

“Even being here for a short while, there are several issues on campus that I felt needed to be changed,” said Storz. “I know sexual assault is a big problem here—as it is on any college campus—and that’s a really big issue close to my heart.”

Storz also said she is open to any critiques and concerns from anyone on campus.

“I’ve met so many amazing people here already that are probably going to change the world. When I first came to DU, I felt like I belonged and I hope everyone feels that way. If you come to me, I will work really hard to go about making that change.”

Storz and Sandberg can be reached at the Undergraduate Student Government meetings every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m.