This week The Clarion sat down with gymnast Nina McGee.

Q: When did you begin gymnastics?
A: I was three years old and I used to climb all over my babysitter’s house. She suggested to my mom that she put me in gymnastics. It almost didn’t happen because my mom called the gym and they didn’t answer. She gave it one last shot and they picked up; I was enrolled in classes and they put me on the baby team.
Q: Why did you choose DU?
A: Carl [Leland], the Assistant Coach, saw me at a competition in Chicago. Two weeks later, he asked if I wanted to come for a visit and I agreed. I came and met up with Melissa [Kutcher-Rinehart], the Head Coach, and we had lunch and she told me about the program. She reminded me so much of my old coach and I just knew this was the school for me. She asked if I wanted to commit and I said yes. I just knew then and there and have not wavered since.
Q: Freshman year you suffered a terrible injury. Can you explain what that was like?
A: My freshman year I had Tibia Rod surgery, because I had stress fractures. It was the dreaded black line; I had to get the surgery or my career would be over. We didn’t know of anyone that had this and came back to gymnastics and I was out for the entire season. The right leg surgery was in October; the second one was in November, five weeks later. I didn’t start training on equipment until April. I couldn’t do anything, even something simple like doing a cartwheel or wearing heels. It was very debilitating, but I kept a smile on my face because I was determined to get back and prove everyone wrong.
Q: How has this season compared to the others?
A: This year has been a really fun, not just for me but also for the entire team. I feel like between this year and last year, I’m different and my attitude is different. My floor routine is amazing and I love it. I made sure it would be a showstopper.
Q: You have also been awarded the Mountain Rim Gymnast of the Week Award three weeks in a row, so many times that the conference has decided to no longer award it to you. What is it like to be so decorated?
A: It’s an honor most definitely. It’s a matter of where hard work gets you. We have a poster in the gym that says, “Meets are won in practice.” Our team works so hard. I’m pretty much just doing what I’ve been doing every day in practice.