This week, Feb. 9-14, is DU’s annual Love, Sex, and Health Week. According to the Health and Counseling Center’s (HCC) promotions for the event, “[it is] a sexual responsibility week with the aim of educating and empowering students about healthy relationships, partner communication, sexual health, and being an advocate for their own health.”

“We have focused this year’s efforts on expanding those programs that have been proven to be of greatest interest and value to the student community, as based on feedback from previous years” said Sarah Belstock, Director of Health Promotion at HCC. Some of the changes include two full days of HIV/STI testing, more engagement in the presentation and forum sessions, a new sex therapist event and two nights of the Vagina Monologues.

The week and accompanying changes are also have a specific goal. “As always, we are hoping that these events will facilitate a supportive and inclusive dialogue around sexuality and provide DU students with the resources and skills to make choices that are both physically and emotionally healthy,” said Belstock.

This year’s event includes activities on nearly every day of the week.

On Monday and Thursday, there will be free STI and HIV testing and free safer sex supplies at the second floor of Driscoll North from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Wednesday will feature “Tips from a Sex Therapist,” a presentation with certified sex therapist Janelle Washburne at 7 p.m. in the Event Room at Craig Hall.

On Thursday, students can watch “Crazy, Stupid, Love” in Davis Auditorium at 9 p.m., which will be followed by a Sexual Education presentation conducted by Healthy Peer Empowerment (HYPE).

On Friday and Saturday, the Center for Advocacy and Prevention Education (CAPE) will present the Vagina Monologues at 7 p.m. in Davis Auditorium both days.

All of the events are free except the Vagina Monologues. Tickets for the show are available online for $8 or at the door for $10. Proceeds will benefit The Blue Bench, an organization committed to eliminating sexual assault. CAPE is sponsoring the play.

“The award-winning play is based on V-Day Founder/playwright Eve Ensler’s interviews with more than 200 women,” according to the event website. It is also a Valentine’s Day tradition. “For more than twelve years, The Vagina Monologues has given voice to experiences and feelings not previously exposed in public,” as the event website cites. This year’s event has been expanded to include two nights due to its popularitylast year. It is hosted by the HCC, CAPE, The Empowerment Project, Tri-County Health, HYPE and DUPB.

For more information or questions on the Vagina Monologues, contact the organizer through the event page. For updates throughout the week and the Vagina Monologues event page link, find HCC on Twitter (@DU_HCC).