The most grueling week of the quarter has finally arrived: finals week. The library will be filled to capacity, all-nighters will be had and students will feel stress across campus. Getting through finals week without a worry would be a miracle. But for the average student, following these helpful tips and tricks will certainly help.

Start Early

If you think you can cram an entire quarter’s worth of knowledge into your brain in one night, you’re sorely mistaken. Start reviewing the material that was presented at the beginning of the quarter right now. This will give you a head start on the past information and allow you time to study for the topics you’re learning in class now. By starting early, you will give yourself ample time to study each subject thoroughly. This will be a good way to switch up what you’re studying and prepare as well as possible.

Change your Scenery

If you stay in the same spot in the library for hours on end, you will inevitably reach a point of unproductivity. You should study for a few hours, then go outside, get some fresh air and walk to a new place to study. Coffee shops are great places to get out of the library and still have a nice place to focus; you’ll also have access to caffeine that will keep you going. The change of location will give you more motivation to keep chugging through finals week.

Eat Right

You are what you eat, right? Start snacking healthily in order to give your brain the most power for studying. Junk foods are low in nutrients and high in fats and sugars. Nutrients are needed for you to sustain energy and focus. Therefore, if you eat unhealthy food, you’ll get distracted faster and are less likely to study well. So bring things like fruit, veggies and nuts to snack on. These are good for you and you can manipulate them into tasting as good as candy would. Apple slices and peanut butter are a great snack that has natural sugars and protein to keep you going.

Take a Break

Finals week doesn’t have to be all about studying for the whole day. If you start your finals week by studying early, you can allow yourself time to have fun. This will be a great study break and time to get your mind off those exams, papers and presentations. Breaks like these are much-needed and can be easy to do. Going to the gym or watching a movie with friends will give you space from your computer and notes. Naps are also great ways to re-energize and take a hiatus from studying.

Don’t Panic

If you find that you’re deep into studying and you don’t know a topic whatsoever, don’t freak out. There are many resources at DU that can help out. The resources like the Writing Center, Math and Science Center and the Language Center, in the library will be of great access to help with papers, math help and science and engineering questions. Make plans with classmates to talk through the final and the topics expected. This will ensure that if any questions do come up, you’ll be able to contact at least one person who will know the answer. You can form study groups with classmates to help combine knowledge for the final. Professors will allocate office hours to go over any confusing material—use these. Start going to office hours before finals week and the last days of classes occur so there won’t be a crowd of students.

Stay Positive

Just think: after the greatest information overload your brain has endured, you have six weeks off to relax. The motivation of Winter break should push you to study hard and well, and the best holiday present will be receiving good grades on these fast-approaching finals.