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Election day is today, November 4, which is the last opportunity for anyone to vote in this midterm election. While most people might greet tomorrow with joy, as it marks the end of political ads and pushy campaigners (for now), don’t let the annoyances of election season deter you from casting a vote. In the United States, we have the privilege as citizens of a democracy to make our voices heard on political issues in our country, a fact that many people take for granted. However, it can also be extremely tiring to hear the same ‘why you should vote’ shpiel over and over again- “make your voice heard, it’s your democratic duty,” and so on. Voting is extremely important for young American citizens such as ourselves, so don’t let apathy deter you. If you need a bit of persuasion to take out a bit of time and cast a ballot, here are the Clarion’s top reasons to vote during this election.

1. Your voice is powerful during midterms
Turnout for presidential elections is nearly always higher than that of others. However, during midterm elections, citizens are able to vote on issues and candidates within their own state and county. Because you are voicing your opinion in a much smaller pool of people, your vote can make a larger impact on results. Furthermore, you are able to vote directly on issues pertaining to where you live, down to the county. The results will directly impact you on a very local level, and voting will allow you to have a voice in what is going on in your community as well as state.

2. Colorado is a swing state
We are lucky to live in a state that is not solidly Republican or Democrat. It can be discouraging or redundant to cast a ballot in a place where nearly every year representatives from the same party hold office. However, in Colorado that is not the case. This state is often regarded as an important, if not critical, state to turn the tide in the House and Senate, as well as in a presidential election. Whichever candidates are elected from Colorado to represent our state in the house of representatives and the senate will contribute to which party holds power in each of these entities. What more of a reason do you need to go and vote for whichever candidate represents what you feel is best for the country? This election could influence the entire direction of United States politics for the next few years.

3. It’s an opportunity to educate yourself
While politics can seem discouraging because of how complex and divided many issues are, preparing to vote is a great way to educate yourself on what is going on in our country. What is your opinion on the United States’ current foreign policy? Health care? Reproductive rights? Don’t let ads or other people make up your mind for you. Do your own research and learn not only the current state of policy, but what you think would be the best direction for us as a country. This knowledge will benefit you beyond the election in day-to-day life. You can better understand the news, have political debates or discussions with others and perhaps even better understand what is going on in class.

4. The “I Voted” sticker
It’s one of the few things in this world that is both fun and will make you look sophisticated. Everyone looks cool with this accessory. Just trust us on this one.

Click here to find your nearest polling location.