Hayden Johnson and Natalie Casey were announced as next year’s Student Body President and Vice President today after a week-long campaign. Johnson and Casey defeated Alisa Brown and Marin Klostermeier.

The official vote totals are not yet available. Johnson and Casey were not immediately available for comment.

“We plan to learn from past mistakes and provide progress for the future. We aim to create a student government that moves away from its parental, constraining position, and begins to play more of a supporting role for students,” Johnson and Casey say on their website. “Above all, we understand that the purpose of these positions is to be in close communication with the undergraduate constituency, and continue to be accessible and accountable to the needs and wants of all facets of campus life.”

Johnson, a junior socio-legal studies major and history double major, has previously served on the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) sophomore senator, finance chairman and this year served as off-campus senator. Casey, a junior majoring in statistics, has served as class president and had been involved in the Pioneer to Pioneer Partnership program.

According to their website, Johnson and Casey plan to pursue initiatives next year to open further communication between USG and the student body.

“Our objective is to be accessible to the students and student organizations, accountable to student convictions, and active in using the student voice as our driving operational force,” the site says.

They have outlined several initiatives, including sending out a monthly USG survey to students, making a breakdown of student tuition spending accessible to students, creating a bi-quarterly meeting of all campus student leaders, leading an endowment campaign for a new student center and increasing pedestrian infrastructure on campus.