If you are not happy on the mountain, you are doing it all wrong. Going skiing or snowboarding is one of the best ways to relieve stress over the weekend, so don’t let it do the opposite and stress you out more. Whether you’re already having a great time or trying to figure out why you are not, keep reading and learn how to enjoy mountain days to the fullest.
The most important thing to do while on the mountain is not worry about how good you are. Whether you are a pro or a first-timer, worrying won’t help. It all leads to being unnecessarily bummed out, and that’s the last thing anyone needs on a day in the Rockies. Going to the mountain is about getting some time away from the city and having fun, so treat it as just that and leave the worrying for schooltime.
With this being said, it’s okay and quite natural to seek improvement. The best way to go forth with this desire is to simply go to the mountain more. Skiing and snowboarding are sports that can’t be rushed and take a lot of time to master. While you may hit a lucky shot on the basketball court, the same doesn’t apply on a snow covered mountain.
Hitting the slopes every weekend will bring increased comfort and confidence throughout the season. Most resorts stay open through March, and Arapahoe-Basin typically operates through May or June. This leaves five or six months to improve, so don’t worry if it didn’t happen over the weekend. We all want to get better, but just let it happen naturally.
For that extra step, mark a calendar next to your bed that keeps track of how many days you’ve been on the slopes. It’s fun to see it develop throughout the season: It’s encouraging to get out more, and it’s a modest way to show off to friends.
Appreciating the moment is another very important factor to a good day on the mountain. Before every run, take a minute to look around and understand how fortunate you are to be in that exact moment. A breath of fresh air and a glance at the scenery will keep a smile strapped on all the way to the base.
If it’s your first season, bury yourself in pride for making it out and not spending another weekend in Denver. If you have been doing it since you could walk, realize how great it is that you are finally flying down the Rockies. Think about your parents that have given you this opportunity. Do it for someone besides yourself. Think about home and how far you’ve come. The overarching point is that before you take that first push down the mountain, be thankful for it.
Looking at the bigger picture will lead to a meaningful experience and greater sense of appreciation. It may take an extra minute or two out of the day, but that shouldn’t matter because the only thing waiting at school is another long week of class and chaos.
The final ingredient to being happier on the mountain is the simplest of all: Bring lots of food and water. Being hungry means being grumpy, and no one likes a grump. Being dehydrated will make you pass out, and no one likes someone who’s passed out. Spending the day at altitude requires proper nourishment that you don’t want to buy from the lodge, so bring it yourself. To get started, PB&J’s, Ramen Noodles, Trail Mix, and cold leftovers (specifically pizza) are among the best options for a college student.
There are certain moments in life where you feel as if things could not be any better. What many people fail to realize is that it can always be better, even when you are smiling on top of a snow-covered peak in the Rockies. When that time comes, remember: Don’t worry so much, appreciate the moment and always be prepared.