Colorado is one of the states in the country that does not have felony charges for multiple offenses of drunk driving. A drunk driver, whether it is the first offense or the tenth offense, would still only face misdemeanor charges. It is time that we look to remedy this situation and provide a just penalty for repeated drunk driving.

Currently, Rep. Mark Waller, R-Colorado Springs, is setting up to introduce legislation in the General Assembly that would make it a Class 4 felony for anyone who is caught drinking and driving three times within a seven year time span. This is a good fix for a severe problem. It provides a bigger consequence for repeated offenses which makes logical sense.

But it is also a good fix because it provides more treatment options. Misdemeanor charges are usually just a fine and maybe probation. What that does is merely allow a person who drinks and drives to continue doing so at the risk of paying a fine. In other words, it is not working to help the individual recover. A felony charge allows the option of jail time. There are definitely more treatment options and groups that an individual can join to help them get over an alcohol problem. It provides a just punishment while still working to solve the problem.

And therein lies the main benefit of this proposed legislation; namely, that there should be a decrease in overall drinking and driving. For one thing, the idea of having a felony and going to jail is not the most pleasing idea for many people so that will deter people from drinking and driving. Furthermore, those that do drink and drive and that continually do it will be able to receive better help and hopefully get away from alcohol. Once that happens, they will not be driving and drinking again. It is really a win-win situation.

Rep. Waller had introduced legislation very similar to this last year. It passed in the House, but failed to garner enough votes in the Senate. The reason that it did not pass last year, and a major difference between that bill and the current proposed legislation, is that last year’s legislation made drinking and driving multiple times a Class 5 felony with mandatory incarceration while today’s legislation makes prison time only an option. Hopefully, in its current form, our state legislators will see its merit and pass this needed legislation.

This legislation will not only reduce drunk driving, it will save lives. It will save the lives of those behind the wheel as well as those simply walking on the crosswalks. Especially at place like here at DU, where there are a lot of pedestrians, it is a comforting thought that maybe we can walk on campus at little more at ease. I throw my support behind Rep. Mark Waller and I urge you to do the same.