It’s no secret that the last few weeks of term on the quarter system are a genuine free-for-all, and if you haven’t found that out by now, you will. That’s right, kids; we’re drawing near to that dreaded stretch of time that stands between us and six weeks of pure unadulterated laziness – the last (and hardest) weeks of the quarter.

Since the students of DU are undoubtedly about to reach maximum stress levels in preparation for finals, here are nine essential tips for surviving Week 9 and beyond.

1. Remember that this pre-finals-induced stress is strictly temporary. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s called six weeks of rest and relaxation.

2. Time management is key. Ditching study group to watch the new episode of “The Walking Dead” might sound like a good idea now, but you’ll be sorry when it’s 2 a.m. and your ten page paper is due in the morning. Let’s face it, there is only so much coffee that can help you write that research paper.

3. Remember to eat, sleep, drink and bathe. No one wants to sit next to the person emanating noxious body odor during an exam. Stay healthy by loading up on vitamins, Emergen-C and lots of fruits and vegetables.

4. Avoid heavily populated study spots as they can be easily distracting. Unfortunately, this might mean steering clear of the library since it will soon become a haven for slackers who haven’t opened a book all quarter. But don’t worry – there are plenty of cozy coffee shops and student-friendly establishments around campus to take refuge in. Try Stella’s, Kaladi’s or La Belle Rosette if you’re looking for a study spot.

5. Remember to take a break every now and then. You won’t do well on that group project, paper or exam if you’re too exhausted to remember your own name, so reward all of your hard work thus far with one (keyword: one) episode of your favorite show or a well-deserved nap.

6. Prioritize your work. If you’ve got a cumulative final coming up, focus on that first and worry about the smaller assignments later. Getting the hardest projects out of the way first will make it easier not to stress about the small ones.

7. Look to professors now for help. They’ll be much less inclined to clarify the requirements for a project or exam if you wait until the last minute to ask, and this way you’ll go into finals knowing where you stand.

8. Know your study style. Maybe you study well in a group, or maybe you don’t, but the important thing is to actually start studying. Despite what you may believe, cramming won’t work as well as starting early, and it will also make you temporarily hate your life. So, seriously. Start now.

9. And finally, if all else fails, pray to the Quarter System Gods for a little bit of finals luck. It certainly couldn’t hurt, right?