I wanted to personally thank everyone who took the time to read and engage with my article last week on USG’s resolution to recognize Indigenous People’s Day. My goal with every article I write is to get people on this campus and in the community talking and discussing the issues. I was both shocked and pleased to see how passionate that people were about this last article. It is very satisfying as a writer to see your ideas discussed so thoroughly.
It is important, though, that we engage with each other in a professional manner. Topics like these need to be treated in a sensitive way so that all sides can adequately present their arguments; this is the crux of creating a place of safe debate.
While I believe that the vast majority of people who took the time to comment on my article were doing so in a manner both professional and enthusiastic, there were some that contributed very little to the ongoing discussion through either refusing to engage or posting inappropriate material. I would like to remind these individuals that this neither aids your argument nor your credibility. Not only that, but some of the posts were extremely disrespectful and hurtful, which is unacceptable.
I write for the Clarion because I believe that it is important to have a place on this campus to discuss the issues facing us. We can only do that if every person agrees to interact in a professional and respectful manner. With that in mind, I urge each and every person to continue reading the paper, finding the issues that matter to them and engaging with their fellow Pioneers. Anyone who wants to further engage in this issue, or on any other issue, is welcome to write a 350 word letter to the editor which can be sent to alexander.johnson@du.edu.