DU officially opened its new library, the Anderson Academic Commons, last year at the beginning of spring quarter. The new space includes plenty of study spots, collaboration areas and resources like the Writing Center. The only downside is that it closes on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., much earlier than it should. We need a library that is accessible when students need it, even on weekends.
To give credit where it is due, the library is open 24 hours every day between Sunday morning and Friday afternoon. But such an early closing time on Friday and Saturday evenings makes it hard to get much studying done on those nights in case students are behind in classes or want to take a night off from going out. It does not open the following mornings until 9 a.m on Saturday and 10 a.m. on Sunday, too late for anyone who wants to study early and have the day to themselves.
I had friends last year who complained that the early closing time stopped them from studying on Friday evenings. Trying to get some work done in the evening and being reminded at 7:45 that it is time to pack up is very distracting. Furthermore, on weekend nights it is very hard to find any other quiet place to study, as the dorms tend to be more rowdy and other places like the Olin Hall rotunda are closed.
At Colorado College, the library hours reflect the needs of studying later on weekend nights. The Tutt Library on campus is open until 10 p.m. on both Fridays and Saturdays. The same is true for the main library at Colorado State.
The university can demonstrate its commitment to the academic success of its students by making the greatest on campus resource available to all students for a few extra hours every week. It does not make sense to keep it open 24/7, but staying open until 10 p.m. on weekend nights and opening at 8 a.m. on weekend mornings is very reasonable.
DU is a highly ranked school, and having a consistent place for its students to study is important. It will not cost an arm and a leg to keep the library open for a couple of extra hours every week, especially since it already appears that most of the electricity is on all night anyway. Would it be too much to ask a skeleton crew to be there for Friday and Saturday evenings and wake up a little earlier on Saturday and Sunday?