Controversy surrounding Denver Boone and DU’s new mascot is continuing to draw attention throughout campus after LetsGoDU blog founder and DU alumnus Damien Goddard announced in a post on Monday that he will no longer continue the blog.
Goddard has run the blog, which promotes DU athletics as well as actively supports Denver Boone, since 2005.
“To those who supported DU through this Blog [du78 and many others] and helped PioNation fight the good fight, we say thank you,” the final post said. “To the many DU students who shared our vision and supported school spirit and Boone, you helped change the culture at the University of Denver for the better. Like Boone, LetsGoDU is leaving on top.”
Boone has also continued to stir discussion after being repeatedly shown in the ESPN2-aired men’s lacrosse semi-finals on May 25 in Philadelphia, also covered on LetsGoDU.
“Denver Boone’s last game on Saturday was a success on all levels except for the final score of the lacrosse game.” the post said.
The controversy has garnered coverage and interest from throughout Denver.
The Denver Post’s featured a “ post poll: Wednesday asked readers to share “what you think of the controversy at the University of Denver and its mascot and the candidacy of Daniel Boone,” accompanying a story published the same day about the controversy.
As of Wednesday night, 607 people (70 percent of the vote) had voted that the debate is “ridiculous” while 46 people (5 percent) voted that they support the debate as “relevant.”
Meanwhile, the Mascot Steering Committee is continuing its search for a new mascot, which is planned to be introduced to students in fall quarter of the 2013-14 school year. Currently, the process is in phase two, consisting of identifying finalists, continuing imagery development and asking for student feedback.
In an email sent to the student body June 4, Undergraduate Student Government (USG) told students to look for a poll to be sent to their inbox sometime after June 10 asking for feedback on three chosen mascots. According to the email, recipients will be asked to score the three options against 20 values “that have been deemed by the community to be the most important in defining the new DU Pioneer mascot.”
“Results from the online survey, which will be sent to approximately 75,000 people in our university community, will be used to determine if any of the concepts can move forward or require further refinement.” the email said.
After completing this portion of mascot review, the steering committee plans to move to present a final mascot to the University Board of Trustees for a final decision according to the committee website.
The steering committee is comprised of 76 DU-affiliated members, representing graduate and undergraduate students, the Colorado Women’s College, University College, DU faculty and alumni.