“Iron Man 3,” the highly anticipated finale to the superhero saga, has quite a bit of hype surrounding it. The film stars A-list celebrities Robert Downey Jr. (“Sherlock Holmes”) as Tony Stark, the titular hero of this trilogy, and Gwyneth Paltrow (“Se7en”) as his leading lady Pepper Pots. A new villain is also featured, known as the Mandarin and played by Ben Kingsley (“Gandhi”). The film also co-stars Don Cheadle (“Hotel Rwanda”) and Guy Pearce (“Memento”), who make the film’s degree of star appeal hard to compete with.
The question left, then, is whether this film has lived up to its hype. The short answer: yes. “Iron Man 3” manages to do what very few film series can in catching up to its own momentum in the last installment, actually surpassing the first two. You may remember the travesty that was “Spider Man 3,” but there’s no need to worry about the same anticlimactic ending here. “Iron Man 3” might just be the best film in the series because the audiences get to watch as Iron Man develops a human heart.
The film follows Tony Stark as he is pitted against the Mandarin, a terrorist with a burning hatred for America. This terrorism element will strike close to home in some respects, as the movie does not shy away from recent events in Iraq, but the filmmakers manage to transform this trope into something unique and harrowing.
The multiple threads of storyline are woven together so deftly that you can’t even see the seams. Filled with numerous red herrings, in this film Iron Man comes up against his most formidable foes to date, and for the first time they are truly worthy opponents. The plot is well organized, fast paced and thoroughly fun. “Iron Man 3” is sure to draw big crowds, and for good reason: It can appeal to families, a couple on date night or just a group of friends. The first in a parade of summer blockbusters, “Iron Man” leaves big (metal) shoes to fill.
Equal parts heart-pumping action, laugh-out-loud comedy and compelling emotional drama, “Iron Man 3” is full of twists and turns too good to spoil. Downey Jr. is a delight and the supporting actors are equally believable in their roles, particularly Pearce as fellow mad scientist Aldrich Killian. This is a very different role for Kingsley as well, but he excels and entertains in the same Oscar-winning manner he always has.
Among the strongest elements of the film are the awesome special effects, which the Iron Man franchise is known for, as well as the comedic banter that has become the trademark of Stark’s character. Stark is more well developed as a character than ever before and for once, Marvel injects their superhero plot with a little feminine power. Paltrow is sure to turn heads as a new-and-improved version of Pepper Potts. Fans will delight in seeing a woman don the Iron Man suit.
For all the explosions and high-speed chases, “Iron Man 3” is refreshingly low on violence, making it quite unique for an action film. Certainly there are still shootouts and plenty of fight scenes, but the action never gets so brutal as to be disturbing. There is a nice balance struck between brawls and clever dialogue, and there are plenty of zingy one-to-two liners, as when Pearce’s villain drawls, “The early bird catches the worm. The second mouse gets the cheese.”
Though it’s unusual for an action film, “Iron Man 3” is not lacking in artistry or symbolism. Stark is at the final stages of his personal evolution, and this final film manages to make the audience want more while simultaneously providing closure for the characters and plotlines.
The film is great all the way through the credits, which will remind Marvel fans of the story’s comic book predecessor. Fans willing to stay through the scrolling onscreen names will earn a special prize: a glimpse at the Avengers film to come.
Fans new and old of the superhero film business will come away from “Iron Man 3” with quickened hearts and lessons learned. If you listen closely, Tony Stark has philosophical musings to bestow, from lines like, “We create our own demons” to an extended metaphor on the cocoon-like nature of his own suit of armor. The final product is a perfect mix of nostalgia and futurism, creating something truly super-human.