In the online world of social media, there lie two Facebook pages about the unspoken side of things that happen at DU. These two pages, “DU Confessions” and “DU Hookups,” are open communities where people can post anonymously about their deepest secrets. While some may accuse these pages of shining a light on the “dark side” of our campus, they are, at heart, just a place for students to post stories and have fun doing it.

Today, we live in an era of political correctness where we have to walk on eggshells to keep from offending anybody.  These anonymous groups are an outlet where students can post what is on their mind without a rain cloud over their head.

“DU Confessions” is on the whole far more lighthearted than “DU Hookups.” The confessions page has been used for arguments and venting about the banning of Boone and finding a new mascot, complaints about not getting snow days over the winter and complaints about RAs. There are some true confessions on the page, like admitting to sending creepy text messages, etc., but for the most part those type of stories are on “DU Hookups.”

Posts on “DU Hookups” are, for the most part, fairly playful, although some arguably cross the line. Common posts include stories about hooking up with a girl or guy in their dorm room, or people taking victory laps for something or another they did and want to show off.

There are also those that run along the lines of “We danced together at South Philly’s but don’t know your name and would really like to see you again,” that are hoping to find a “lost love” of sorts, or to rekindle a fleeting romance.

There are some posts on the hookups page not appropriate for print, but that is only to be expected. We are all just college kids, and there is nothing wrong with having a place to post our late-night experiences. While it does show a darker side of DU that the administration would rather not think about, as long as students are not specifically called out by name and no threats emerge, the pages are harmless sources of fun.

As young adults finding our place in the world, we spend time every day going to class, doing homework and working on projects, things we can all speak freely about.  “DU Confessions” and “DU Hookups” are just pages to post freely about the things that are on our minds just as much a part of growing up as our academic lives.