Candidate: Mike Schutte
- Running for: President
- Year: Junior
- Major: Environmental Studies and Sociology
- Hometown: Fort Collins, Colo.
- Experience: Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Pioneer Leadership Program, former Johnson-MacFarlane Hall RA, University Honors Program, Excelling Leaders Institute.
- Favorite Section of the Clarion: “Pioneer Voices” in the Opinions section
Candidate: Katrina Yoshida
- Running For: Vice-President
- Year: Junior
- Major: International Studies
- Hometown: Lakewood, Colo.
- Experience: Former On-Campus Senator on USG, former Diversity Committee Chair, Social Justice Living and Learning Community, Orientation Leader, Nourish Peace, Mortarboard Society, Daniels Fund Scholar, Excelling Leaders Institute.
- Favorite Section of the Clarion: “Pioneer Voices” in the Opinions section and website comment.
The Number One Issue Facing Students
Schutte said that the number one issue on campus is enhancing the collective “Pioneer identity.”
“We’re interested in building Pioneer Pride and making school spirit more than just going to hockey games,” Schutte said.
“We want to expand our definiton of what school spirit is,” Yoshida said.
Schutte said that he also wanted the relationship between USG and students to be two-way.
“There’s a good initiative on one end but not on the other side.”
He also plans on instituting a needs assessment to determine where students rank issues facing campus.
Yoshida wants to plan an event called “A Taste of DU,” to get students acquainted with on-campus organizations as well as engage people in dialogue on campus.
“When you’re sitting next to someone, you’re going to talk to them, hopefully,” Yoshida said, adding that she wanted to “strategically” place organizations beside one another that do not normally work together.
Schutte said that he wants to move forward regarding an official mascot when he is President, adding that the Boone issue has caused tension this year.
“We’re pioneers; pioneers move forward,” Schutte said.
Yoshida serves on the Mascot Steering Committee that is currently searching for a new visual representative of the “Pioneer” idea to replace Denver Boone, the embattled mascot that serves as DU’s unofficial student mascot.
Additional Positions
Sophomore Senator Candidates:
- Logan Bohlender (Business–Undeclared)
- Jack Patterson (Political Science and Public Policy)
- Jess Davidson (International Studies and Public Policy)
- Amanda Urban (International Business)
- Chris Bach (History and Public Policy)
Senior Senator Candidates:
- Brillant Akapo (International Studies)
- Erik Meek (Public Policy and Communications)
- Natalie Dunn (International Studies)
- Lily Montesano (Environmental Science and Economics)
Department Senator Candidates:
- Josh Wehe, AHSS Senator (Philosophy and INTS)
- Laurence Moran, Performing Arts Senator (Music)
- Alejandro Garcia, HRTM Senator (Hospitality Management)
- Aly Higgins, JKSIS Senator (International Studies)
- Ashlee Shaw-Gonzales, Social Science Senator (Rhetorical Comm.)
- Daniel Powell, NSME Senator
Daniels College of Business Senator Candidates:
- Melissa Sim (International Business)
- Josh Todtfeld (Business Statistics and Mathematics)
- Amy Westby
- Ashwini Baker
On/Off Junior Senator Candidates:
- Adam Hammerman (Economics)
- Uriel Berrum (Economics and Public Policy)
- Daniel Mason (International Studies)
- Jeffrey Mariano (Communications)
- Shelby Lee (Real Estate & Construction Management)
- Kaitlyn Griffith (English and Journalism Studies)
- Parya Mahmoudi (Political Science)