The Josef Korbel School of International Studies held a “LinkedIn and Social Networking Workshop for Students and Grads” on Wednesday, Feb. 6. The seminar focused on how to build a professional profile and successfully network on LinkedIn.

This was the third workshop in a four-part sequence of workshops covering internship/job search techniques, resume and cover letter writing and interviewing held on campus during winter quarter.

According to Bachelor of Arts Program Internship Coordinator Laura Seaman, creating a professional profile is important, but knowing how to effectively join groups, find people and connect with them appropriately is difficult.
“Approaching contacts and keeping up with networking is something that people often have difficulty with or forget about,” said Seaman.

According to Seaman, students should regularly participate in group discussions that interest them on LinkedIn. Seaman said that this should help keep them connected with contacts who may be helpful later in recommending them for a particular position.

“Remember to make sure that your statement is brief, with an introduction and a clear statement of what you want,” said Seaman. “Sometimes it is also helpful to include a similarity to the person you are contacting, such as if you are both in the same group on LinkedIn.”

Seaman said students should also make sure to update contacts with their progress in a job search if they have reached out to them for guidance or networking assistance.

According to Seaman, the seminar also briefly covered how to use Facebook and Twitter for networking and job searching. She said they increase and find connections that help lead to a career path.

“Just make sure to Google yourself before applying to any job, or before you go for an interview,” said Seaman. “Stay on top of your privacy settings and keep up-to-date with changing Facebook privacy rules.”

Following Wednesday’s LinkedIn session, Seaman said that the final workshop of the quarter will be held tomorrow from 6-7 p.m. in Sturm 432.

According to Seaman, this seminar, “Ace an Interview and Prepare for the Career Fair,” will cover all aspects of interviewing to help students prepare for the Winter Career Fair on Feb. 20.

“We will cover how to prepare for different types of interviews, common interview questions, how to dress, what to bring, what questions to ask and how to follow up,” said Seaman.

Seaman also said that there will be a mock interview of an INTS student to observe and critique.

Seaman said that she will be offering another sequence of professional development workshops around the start of spring quarter.