According to ABC News, this year’s flu season is one of the worst we’ve seen in years. It is so bad that Boston has declared a public health emergency and a hospital in Pennsylvania had to build an extra tent to deal with flu cases.
With over 26 times the number of flu cases from last year, this year’s influenza is certainly keeping college students around the country on their toes.
College campuses are easy places to contract the flu. So many people living, eating, studying and partying together makes it easy for the flu to spread from one person to the next.
And as all DU students know, getting a nasty case of the flu for a week can be a deathly blow to your grades in the quarter system. That’s why the Clarion has brought to you some simple ways to avoid the flu this season.
Get vaccinated
So many DU students have already taken advantage of the Health and Counseling Center’s (HCC) free flu vaccinations that they actually ran out of the vaccine last week. But fortunately it didn’t take them long to receive more.
You can stop by the Health Center in the Ritchie Center without an appointment anytime during business hours (except from 12-2 p.m.) to receive a free vaccination with your student ID.
While the vaccine is only about 62 percent effective, it still decreases your chances of getting the flu significantly. It also takes approximately two weeks for the vaccination to become effective, so HCC recommends getting it as soon as possible.
Keep your hands clean and away from the face
It seems fairly obvious. You get the flu by consuming germs via the eyes, nose and mouth. If you wash your hands frequently and try not to touch your face, you minimize the chance of the virus entering your body.
Avoid sick people
Have you noticed your boyfriend has been sniffly lately? Probably best to not have your daily make-out session. Save it for another time.
Get your Vitamin E
While consuming other vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin A is also helpful, Vitamin E is particularly good for avoiding the flu. It helps your body produce more B cells (white blood cells that are a part of the immune system)which help create antibodies that destroy bad bacteria.
You can get Vitamin E through sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, grains or through a supplement such as Nature Made Vitamin E Softgels, found at drugstore.com.
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
Any college student knows that drinking to excess can result in a god-awful hangover the next morning, but what they might not know is that drinking to excess regularly will depress your immune system and make you more susceptible to the flu.
Cut down on the partying and you’re less likely to be stuck in bed for more reasons than one. Side note: This is not to say that all alcohol is bad. It has actually been found that those who drink a glass of red wine daily are 20 percent less likely to get the flu. This is likely due to vitamins and antioxidants, like resveratrol found in red wine.
Take care of yourself
It seems too simple, but things like avoiding too much stress, exercising and getting at least seven hours of sleep a night can greatly improve your immune system.
Already have the flu? It’s as simple as drinking lots of fluids (especially water, natural fruit juices and warm drinks like decaffeinated tea) and getting rest.
You can also try gargling lukewarm salt water to prevent a sore throat from getting worse and taking a hot shower to clear your sinuses.