Two violent assaults occurred on campus on Jan. 11 and left the victims with moderate to severe injuries, although the Department of Campus Safety (DCS) believes they are unrelated. The first assault took place in an alley adjacent to the Ricks Center for Gifted Children near noon on Jan. 11 and left the victim with “serious injuries,” according to the Campus Safety Daily Incident Report for Jan. 17.

DCS Crime Prevention Sgt. Stephen Banet said he was unable to comment on the assault at this time.

The second assault, which happened the evening of Jan. 11, took place in Nagel Residence Hall, where a student was attacked by a group of other students while in his room, according to Banet.

Though this assault took place Jan. 11, the crime was not reported to Campus Safety until Jan. 13.

Banet said the victim knew the student who attacked him and believes that the two were previously close friends.
“The students came over to his (the victim’s) residence and he knew them, they used to live in the same city, so the victim let them in and one of the parties assaulted him,” said Banet.

The reason the student attacked remains unknown.

According to Banet, four students entered the room, but only one committed the assault.

Banet said the victim transported himself to Porter Hospital, but did not tell anyone in the residence hall or Campus Safety about the assault. When the victim received treatment from medical staff at Porter Hospital for his injuries, his doctor called the Denver Police Department (DPD) to report the attack.

Banet was unable to release the extent of the victim’s injuries or the status of his attackers, but did say an investigator from DCS has been assigned to the case.

DCS does not believe there to be a connection to the other on-campus assault which took place earlier that day.