Many believe that Republicans and Democrats in America agree on very little. It is understandable; one only has to turn on the news to get this impression.

However, both parties have one single goal, and that is to keep America the greatest nation in the world. Where they differ sometimes is how to go about this.

As leaders of the College Democrats and College Republicans on campus, we find that our duty is to address one major issue affecting America today: the national debt.

The national debt this year reached $16 trillion, and it is our generation that will be left to deal with the problems this debt will create.

We call upon both candidates to seriously address this pressing issue in the debate this Wednesday, Oct. 3.

We would like to see a serious discussion where both offer specific and measurable solutions to this massive problem.

Despite what is often reported about our generation, we do care deeply about the national debt and believe that it is a bipartisan issue we hope our leaders will seriously deal with before it becomes too late.

We both agree that steps need to be taken immediately to deal with this debt, or else our future jobs, loans and investments will be affected.

We disagree about whom we want to win this election, but whoever does win must address the issue of the national debt with specific and focused policies that will help steer our nation away from the fiscal cliff we are rapidly approaching.

We want our next President to move away from the partisan blame game and actually take responsibility for fixing the situation we find ourselves in.

There is more than enough blame to go around, and spending time assigning it is at best counterproductive and at worst exacerbates the problem.

Goodwin is the president of the DU College Democrats, while Szilagyi is the chairman of the Colorado Federation of College Republicans. Both the DU College Republicans and DU Democrats meet at 6:30 p.m. behind Jazzman’s.