The state of Colorado and the Republican party is better than this. Rather than allowing for a full and democratic vote on a bill to implement civil unions in Colorado, the Republican-controlled legislature filibustered and then called a recess.

In the process of preventing a vote on civil unions, they killed 30 other bills, some of which are vital to the functioning of the state of Colorado.

As a result of their actions, Governor Hickenlooper has had to call a special session so the state legislature can finish up the work they promised, at a cost of $23,500 to the state of Colorado.

Whether or not you support or are against civil unions, you should be furious over the actions of the Republican party.

The truth of the matter is that even though Republicans have a narrow one-seat majority in the state house, at least five Republicans voiced their support of the issue.

They did so because they wanted to support the wishes of their own constituents. Voting on the bill would have been a fully democratic expression of the people of Colorado.

Instead, Speaker McNulty and a few others used procedural powers to block the vote on the bill.

In short, a small group used special powers to promote the interests of a prejudiced few. The bill did nothing to step on religious liberties. All it did was extend a partial component of civil rights to a marginalized segment of the population.

Republicans and Democrats both testified for the bill because it is an issue that should not be based on political ideologies. We all should have a right to marry the person that we love, regardless of that person’s sex.

Given that the actions of Republicans violated the concept of democracy altogether, every student at DU should be furious about their actions. Republicans should be furious, especially, because this hurts the interests of the party by playing such games.

I encourage every student at DU to stand up for our rights as members of a democracy. Go to the capitol during the special session and voice your support. If you have to, boycott your classes to make sure that your point is made.

These backroom games will do nothing but hurt the position of the Republican Party and damage the civil rights of every citizen of Colorado.