Excitement mounts as the broomball 2012 winter season nears its close.  With the defeat of Team Daniels, the undefeated Multiple Scorgasms move to the the finals, where, depending on the outcome of tonight’s game, they will head off against either Brazil’s Broomballers or the two runners-up, Victorious Secret and the Broombugs, for the 2012 winter season championship.

As of Saturday, the four front runners were Brazil’s Broomballers, Broombugs, Multiple Scorgasms and Victorious Secret. Brazil’s Broomballers and Multiple Scorgasms lead the group 3-0, followed closely by Victorious Secret and Broombugs, both 2-0-1. After Sunday’s victory, Multiple Scorgasms is set to compete against Victorious Secret for the Crimson Division title on Sunday.

Early playoff rounds kicked off on Sunday and will continue Tuesday. The final rounds of the tournament are scheduled for Feb. 26 and Feb. 28.  

Players have said tensions remain low as the characteristically laid-back and festive sport nears its season finale.

“The players are little bit of everything. Broomball is pretty new, and most people don’t have a lot of experience with it. They haven’t really developed that sort of competitive edge or feeling,” said Student Programs Director Scott Farina. “For a lot of people, it’s just something they like to try and use as a great outlet at the end of the day.”

The relaxed atmosphere often leads to creativity on the ice, including players skating around dressed as everything from superheroes to children in footie pajamas.

“It’s a social thing. People dress up because it makes it more festive. It’s my favorite part of the week, and you can’t take Broomball too seriously,” said freshman Kate Wyman, MVP member of team Sports.

With 28 teams from three divisions, the competition for the championship is deep. However, for the 289 participants this quarter, the season is quickly drawing to a close as the winter 2012 Broomball champions will be decided Feb. 28.