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It’s a well-known fall milestone: Bid Day.

Most students know it as the day that DU’s sororities gather on Driscoll Lawn, dressed in full Greek regalia, in order to welcome new members to their respective sororities.

261 girls participated in recruitment this year, all of whom received bids to join a sorority. After filing into Davis Auditorium, each girl received an envelope with her name on it.

All of the girls opened their envelopes simultaneously, thus revealing their sorority bids.

In a DU tradition, the girls flocked from Sturm in droves, most of them running, screaming and laughing as they joined their new sisters on the lawn.

The current members embraced the new recruits as if they had been best friends for all their lives.

The entire area erupted into squeals and laughter, growing louder as girls joined their new families.

The din continued to grow until the group gathered in a half circle around the organizing team.

Each sorority then sang their songs along with the organizing team.

After the organizing team members joined their sorority sisters, each group went towards the Kappa Sigma fraternity building before beginning their parade.