A mishap by hypnotist Jim Wand left one volunteer participant screaming in a hypnotic state after she exited the stage in a show at Davis Auditorium last Friday that drew a crowd of about 300 people.

Freshman Lauren Broyhill was one of 14 students who volunteered to be hypnotized.

 “My heart was beating so fast on stage that the corner of my eyes got fuzzy and then my eyes got really heavy,” said Broyhill. “I started blinking, and I couldn’t help but to close them.”

Wand tapped Broyhill after he hypnotized her and told her that if she heard the word “Illinois,” she would let out a blood-curdling scream, said freshman Katerina Therianos, who was present at the event.

“He didn’t end up saying [Illinois] on stage,” Therianos said.

Wand forgot to speak “Illinois” throughout the show.

When Broyhill was dismissed and returned to her seat, students tested her subconscious to see if the word held meaning.

Immediately her expression turned from giggly to frightened. She let out multiple screams.

    “What happened in that particular instance was that I forgot to say the word ‘Illinois’ on stage, so, she didn’t get a chance to respond to it,” said Wand. “So, when she heard it in the auditorium, she responded to it as if she was still on stage.”

Therianos said Broyhill’s screams took her by surprise.

“Everyone in the auditorium had no idea what was going on,” said Therianos.  “The hypnotist actually had to come over and erase the command from her subconscious.”

Hearing Broyhill’s screams, Wand immediately rushed over and put Broyhill back into a hypnotic state.

He whispered a phrase that would forever erase any negative or influenced meaning on the word “Illinois.”

Even though Wand forgot to play out the command on stage, he said he was not frightened about the idea that Broyhill was still hypnotized after his show.

“I put a safeguard on every show so that when people leave the auditorium they will forget all suggestions except the ones that could be helpful,” said Wand.

Broyhill, who awoke seconds after the word was erased, had no recollection of the experience, just a keepsake in the back of her throat.

“I don’t remember what happened right after he took me out, but I guess I screamed…loud,” Broyhill said. “I had the worst sore throat ever because I screamed so loud, it was weird.”

Hypnotism is often referred to as the gateway into people’s subconscious souls.

Therianos said she has hesitant feelings over the powers hypnotists can possess.  

“I think it is interesting on stage, but the fears people have about hypnotism is that sense of being out of control,” said Therianos. “That kind of power…could be dangerous if used the wrong way.”