Photo by: DU Clarion

In this dreadful scenario, there are two armies fighting for the same purpose, but unable to concur on how to fairly share a package worth $9 billion.

That’s this many for those who like numbers – 9,000,000,000. That‘s a lot of zeros.

What I am willing to concede is that this issue -the lingering bastard that is the NFL lockout – is the most important issue in sports right now. This doesn’t mean, “turn your heads, look away and hope that the season starts.” Rather, this is a call to arms.

Football fans everywhere need to rally and follow the lockout daily. It’s not a pretty situation, but the more pressure fans put on the two stalemated opponents-the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) and the leagues owners-the closer we will be towards getting our 2011 NFL Season back.

Here is where it stands now – May 17, 2011 – the NFL crisis persists because the NFLPA fought to end the lockout, but the owners are now fighting to keep it in place. The negotiations on both sides are a bit hazy, but in the end, it is the owners that are threatening our football lives.

On April 25th, the lockout was invalidated, but only four days later an appeal was granted and the stalemate goes on from there.

Although these facts may paint a biased picture against the owners, the truth is that the players need to reach an agreement at some point because they are in the trenches once again, fighting off gladiators left and right. It’s their problem as much as it is the owners’.

Rather than simply giving in a little bit, both sides are hoarding their chips and creating a sports-lover’s Great Depression.

The players, specifically the ten that filed the original lawsuit back in early March, need to take action and be proactive, because the owners are sitting on the issues, and therefore hijacking with whatever amount of precious time there is left.

I am writing this in hopes that these words will be an afterthought sooner rather latter, because that would mean the lockout is officially lifted and the NFL commences its play in the fall for its faithful fans.

However, the nebulous crux of it all is that as close as the end may seem, I may find myself writing about the very same subject four month’s from now when I write my first column for the fall quarter.

Until then, I will cross my fingers and hope for the best. Keep your ear up football fans, the NFL could be inviting you back before you know it, or you may have to wait a while.