Photo by: targetdistribution.com

The band name …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of the Dead seems to indicate a band whose music style would be something along the lines of metalcore, or some other “intense” rock subgenre. However, Trail of Dead is far from such categories of music, instead dwelling within the realm of progressive rock. There are several things which set progressive rock apart from its fellow genres, such as longer songs that don’t follow the standard verse-chorus structure, concept-based albums, and a high level of technical skill from the musicians. Trail of Dead exhibits all of those aspects, excluding the concept-driven part.

This album, Tao of the Dead features a four-piece band with a stripped-down sound that relies heavily on the guitar. The style works perfectly, creating a sound that is at once easy to listen to and very rich and complex. The album’s first single “Summer of All Dead Souls” is a perfect example, which sports some extremely catchy guitar riffs throughout, although they are particularly noticeable in the beginning.

The sheer enormity of this album also warrants mention. It is divided into two parts, the first being “Tao of the Dead,” and the second being “Strange News from Another Planet.” The first part consists of 11 separate tracks, while the second is one-track with four distinct sections. Altogether, the album has 12 tracks which form roughly 16 songs. The album, Tao of the Dead, is one that will certainly give out its money’s worth in musical entertainment.

…And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead has created an album that is not only good in its construction, but also its value. There is no reason why a fan of rock, especially progressive rock, should not pick up this album.