Photo by: Tracy Ostrofsky

Between the resolutions table on Driscoll Bridge, Ritchie Center and dining halls, students across campus are vowing to eat healthier, exercise more and are setting various other goals as new years resolutions.

According to Tiffany Ulatowski, director of Membership Services and Competitive Programs at the Ritchie Center, the Coors Fitness Center typically sees an increase in class enrollment in the month of January.

However, this increase typically drops off by February or March.

Roughly 25 percent of people break their new year’s resolutions within a week, and half of all resolutions are finished within six months, according to a study released by The Los Angeles Times.

Thus, the question remains, how can one hope to follow through on their new year’s resolution?

Perhaps most importantly, one must set realistic goals for themselves that can be taken one step at a time.

“Many people start off the New Year with the goal of exercising everyday and/or wanting to lose 20-30 pounds,” Ulatowski said. “When people miss a day of exercise or do not reach any of their larger goals, they get discouraged. For most people, exercising every day is not realistic. Life happens, and it is difficult to get to the gym or exercise every single day. “

Additionally, setting a goal that holds a deeper meaning significantly improves the chances that one will follow through on their resolution.

Matthew Peterson, an undergraduate student, has resolved to gain back his physical fitness.

In 2003, Peterson was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a form of irritable bowel disease that affects the intestines.

Peterson underwent major surgery last August to remove some of his intestines that had strictured, and as a result, he lost much of his physical strength.

“My goal is to get fit, not necessarily buff, but to be fit for who I am,” Peterson said.

This year, the Ritchie Center is providing a “Resolution Starter Pack” that allows members and students to pick two of the following: three personal training sessions, a three month locker rental or one $55 voucher for any of their Boot Camp classes.

Resolution Starter Packs are valued at $240, but are available for $75 this year, saving 68 percent.

“The overall goal of the Resolution Starter Pack is to provide members and students with the tools to be successful,” Ulatowski said. “Hopefully, by taking advantage of this offer, our students and members will gain the skills necessary to keep them motivated throughout the entire year.”

Further, the Resolution Starter Packs are designed to suit your personal interests.

You can sign up for the Resolution Starter Pack by visiting www.recreation.du.edu, by visiting the Coors Fitness Center or by calling 303-871-4523.