The nutrition information labels previously affixed to Sodexo "Simply To-Go" foods sold on campus have disappeared, and they need to return. The labels, which provide…
Photo by: Looking for the perfect collection of songs to play on your Valentine's Day dinner date? The Clarion has you covered. Prince – "Adore"…
Last week the USG senate voted down Resolution 6B (4 to 12), which called for DU to work with Sodexo management to solve their employment…
Photo by: Michael Furman Steve Portenga graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in engineering, but was destined to build character in student…
Photo by: Michael Furman The men's basketball team (7-5 SBC, 14-9) goes on the road this week in an attempt to end an eight-game road-losing…
Photo by: The last non-conference games are in the books for the Pioneers. It is time to focus on the last eight games of the…
Photo by: This team does not have uniforms of crimson and gold. Thousands do not gather to watch them in action. When they succeed there…
Photo by: Men's golf 2010 season underway The men's golf team started their 2010 season yesterday at the Fifth Annual Callaway Invitational in San Diego,…
Photo by: Michael Furman Women's Lacrosse (1-0) DU 18, St. Mary's 5 What Went Right Just about everything went right for the Pioneers in this…
Come Friday night, Americans and sports fans across the entire world will celebrate the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics. It will mark the…