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TBS has a new fall lineup on Tuesdays that includes the new comedy Glory Daze.

It’s a tale of four college freshmen as they learn the ins and outs of college life. Glory Daze shows a lot of potential as an intriguing comedy with relatable characters.

Fantastic for college students, the pilot episode will remind many of their first days of college, complete with creepy roommates, emotional parents, an uninspiring coach, biased professors and partying fraternity boys.

The show seems to be a bit of a mix between the popular show Community and the Will Farrell film “Old School.” However, it is not just your simple brand of slapstick comedy.

The show appears to have plenty of potential for a serious side as well.

One surprising decision by the show’s creators was to set it in 1986 instead of the modern day.

However, the feel and look of the show seems entirely modern. There are only a few references to the latest fad, e-mail, and to the “supposed evil empire,” from Professor Haines (Tim Meadows). Otherwise, there are no rabble rousing, mullet-haired, jean-jacketed, leather-panted rockers to be seen on campus, which is a bit of a surprise, given the time period. However, the more modern feel will probably add to its popularity.

The pilot episode does provide some outlines for intriguing characters, including the main character Joel (Kelly Blatz), who is a determined yet shy young man that doesn’t quite know for what he is searching. He meets the stereotypical frat guy in Reno (Callard Harris) who could easily develop into a complex and intriguing character as the show progresses.

The other five characters are friends of Joel who live on his floor.

They include Chang (Tim Jo), a not-so-conventional Asian; Brian (Hartley Sawyer), a college athlete who is pushed too hard by his father; Eli (Matt Bush), a horny college guy still lost in virginal puberty; Zack (Josh Brener), the creepy, anti-social roommate of Joel; and Jason (Drew Seeley), the patriotic school conservative with girl problems.

In the pilot episode, the six characters cause some entertaining havoc that would leave anyone yearning for the Glory Daze of freshman year.