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Four days from now there will be a rally in Washington D.C. known as the Rally to Restore Sanity. This rally, hosted by The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart, will be a much-needed breath of fresh air for this country.

Perhaps not even a breath, as this may actually be too disruptive. Think of this event as a silent moment among a group of people that feel compelled to assert their belief that everyone has their own belief, but they don’t need to shout about it.

For anyone who has ever watched cable news, hearing their slanted opinions and feeling absolutely no rage boil up inside of you as you have no desire to publicly proclaim your moderate political stance, this rally is for you.

I’m not suggesting you attend, although if you are, I give you a modest, non-committal head-bob. Rather, this rally seems like a concept that Americans may or may not want to incorporate into their own lives.

Clearly, those attending the rally feel a connection to the source, but, and I think they would agree, that is a choice for each individual to decide.

If you happen to remember this article four days from now, however, maybe make the effort to not yell or push your opinion on someone for a full day. Frankly, you’re probably busy; I’m busy; and this day may pass like any other. If you are so inclined, and I use that in the most level way possible, feel free to contribute to the movement in any way you see fit.

If that means you decide (with quiet resolve) to attend one of several rally support locations, that you will let people speak without interrupting them or that you will stop stealing your roommate’s pudding (seriously, pudding?), then you may have contributed in a safe, sane way to this cause that some would deem great but others might disagree with, which is fine.

You may or may not want to support the Rally to Restore Sanity additionally, because this rally is also acting as a conduit for donations to DonorsChoose.org, which will raise money for educational charities.

Essentially, if you are reading this with mild interest but have no serious qualms with any of the content, but still maintain your own opinion, you may want to consider spreading the sanity on Saturday.

– Dylan Proietti


DU Nation, on Oct. 30 there is a rally, but not just any rally, a rally that will surpass all rallies, a rally funded by the common man’s common man (and Reese’s). I’m of course talking about Stephen Colbert’s Rally to Restore Fear.

Let’s face it, this Saturday we will experience the greatest moment in our nation’s history, greater even than the founding, than the end of the Civil War, than victory in Europe, than the Civil Rights movement, than Woodstock. What will happen on Saturday will be nothing short of the greatest transformation in the history of this country.

For far too long, this nation has been run by “sane” and “intelligent” men. DU Nation, this is unacceptable. Since when has courage, fortitude and sacrifice gotten anyone anywhere?

This nation was founded on a principle of fear: fear of redcoats (even Santa can’t bring that fashion back), a fear of the Redskins (what if Shanahan takes them to the playoffs this year?) and apparently a fear of improperly imported tea from India.

DU Nation, how are we supposed to sit around and have a rational and national discussion about the problems facing this country when there is so much to fear like a complete takeover of MTV by bad Jersey Shore re-runs or South Park being only half as funny as it used to be.

These are terrifying times, DU nation, when the rich are being so overburdened with taxes that they can only afford four Ferrari sport cars instead of five, when banks are so scared to loan they’re sitting on record profits and when our debt is large enough to buy the entire region of the Middle East (special sale: buy one political mess, get two free).

DU Nation, we need new leadership that can direct us down the path of fear – whether that’s Scientology (Tom Cruise, please don’t sue us), British invasion (of Katy Perry) or M. Night Shyamalan’s next film. In a country as large as ours, how is anything supposed to get done if we aren’t first given an irrational fear of it?

So, watch the Colbert Report all this week to get prepared for the exciting revolution occurring this Saturday, in Washington D.C., where, in one voice, this nation can finally declare, we are afraid (especially of bears, those Godless killing machines).

AJ Gunning