The nutrition information labels previously affixed to Sodexo “Simply To-Go” foods sold on campus have disappeared, and they need to return.

The labels, which provide basic information such as calorie, fat, protein, iron, calcium and vitamin content, have been missing since the start of this quarter.

When asked about the lack of labeling, Nori Yamashita, Sodexo general manager at DU, said, “Our current program does not have nutrition information on the package, but I do have a table with nutrition information for all items sold at Jazzman’s, which we will post in a day or so.”

However, a table of information is much less convenient than labels on the actual food item; students in a hurry do not have time to look up various food choices on a table and likely won’t take the time to do so.

Hungry students on the go rely on the to-go food sold in coolers in Sidelines, Jazzman’s and other locations on campus to supply them with a quick, nutritious meal or snack when don’t have time to sit down for a meal. But without basic nutrition facts on the food sold, choosing something to eat can be frustrating and even dangerous.

Students trying to eat a healthy meal must simply guess at what foods to eat, and sometimes this can be tricky.

Some salads, for example, though typically seen as a healthy choice, are high in fat and calories.

Students with special dietary needs also areout of luck.

While basic ingredient and allergy information are still provided on foods sold, the lack of the nutrition facts label makes it impossible for students to see how much of a certain vitamin or nutrient is contained in the food.

This can be dangerous to students with certain health concerns, such as those with anemia, who must watch their iron consumption.

All stores and restaurants that sell prepackaged food provide nutrition information, so why doesn’t Sodexo? This lack of labeling is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

No matter what the reason is for the missing labels, they need to be put back on the food.