Earlier this year, DUPB implemented a liaison program, which aims to connect DUPB’s University Programming Support Committee with other student organizations on campus.

The liaison program wants to educate all student organzations on their services.

“We do want to actively seek out all the organizations on campus,” said Katie Bernell, a co-chair of the liaison program. “There were a limited number of organizations that knew how to approach us or knew what we had to offer,” she said.

The goal of UPS has always been to offer support and event planning to student organizations.

They have offered marketing resources, logistics planning, helpful ideas as well as financial support.

In the past, one problem has been that many student organizations did not know about this.

Through the liaison program, DUPB hopes to reach out to more organizations and ensure that all organizations on campus know about these resources that are available, according to Bernell.

UPS will help UGS and DUPB through assisting student organizations.

“The program will benefit Senate through better representation and communication,” said Joel Portman, the other co-chair of the program.

“It will benefit DUPB through promotion of the resources we offer and ensuring more and better co-programming opportunities.”

This program was initially implemented in the fall, when new members were assigned to various organizations on campus.

They divided all the organizations so that each senator or UPS member is responsible for a certain amount of organizations. Every quarter they will speak with the executive boards, make contacts and let them know what UPS does.

However, the program faced a struggle when many members did not stay with the organization. Because of this, not all organizations were addressed.

There have recently been some changes to this program, in part to address this problem.

There is now a partnership with the USG Senate Student Organizations Committee.

“As such, we will include information about relevant student organization requirements and also act as liaisons between student organizations and Senate.”

Members of the UPS committee and select senators have been matched up with student organizations and attend each student organization’s meetings at least once every quarter.

UPS’s leaders see a positive future for the program.

“Based on the level of success this program has, we hope to see it continue into future years,” said Portman.

Portman believes that there are many ways in which student organizations benefit from this program.

“The program will benefit student organizations in that it will allow each group to learn about members as well as ensure they are informed about senate requirements and offer a way to interact with Senate,” he said.

“I’m just excited personally that we are creating a new tactic to get UPS out there, and to reach out to the orgs on campus because that’s something we’ve lacked in previous years,” said Bernell. “We’re extremely optimistic about creating this program and allowing it to capped on in the future years.”

For more information on UPS and the services they provide, visit duprograms.com/UPS.